Hi, I’m Tianna,

Writer| Marketing Maven | Brand Consultant

& Founder of The Localista Blog and Portwell Creations.

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September 2020 StyleScopes By Alice Wylde

September 2020 StyleScopes By Alice Wylde

Every month I like to expand my weekly Stylescope to see what is in store for the coming month ahead. I work with multiple tarot decks and the month’s astrology to tune into the vibrations and see the steps necessary to keep our goals on track. 

Life moves at a slower pace for the month of September, a feeling of going back over something from the recent past is likely—as if some details were missed the first time around. A theme this month is to take a conscious pause from our regular work or routine  which can help create ease and clarify the situation. This gives us the energy to move forward with full body passion. 

The first step in the cards is from The Fashion Oracle deck, The Karlie Kloss card, she reminds us to stand tall inside and out. To look at our duality as a gift, you can be feminine and masculine, you can be artsy and wealthy, you can be weird and likable. Take a moment to reflect on something that maybe you push down and instead embrace it and see how you can pair it with your more dominant qualities to better serve you.

The second card is Paul Poiret, that your personal style and dreams are the passport to a world of imagination. That you need to be following your wildest dreams and to squash any doubt that may be coming up. In general this year has been a very ‘tear down and rebuilt year’ so this is your reminder to actually be living your life that you want.

Vivienne Westwood, one of my favorite designers, tells us to stand up for what we believe in. She has done a phenomenal job of using fashion as a vehicle to spread multiple messages across. Stand on platform shoe, not a pedestal. Confidence baby! 

The messages are better received when we are listening. Physical energy levels could be more subdued while mental, spiritual, and psychological understanding is expanded. The crystal to work with this month as a talisman to our overall theme and goals is Sodalite. Much like the stone Lapis, Sodalite is a deep blue stone that helps deepen your intuition, assist you in speaking your truth and should be kept where you do your best non thinking. This stone will assist in letting your intuition take over and tell yourself the messages that you were actually trying to hear. 

With each Stylescope I love to pull two ‘self-care' cards to remind us that we also need to be caring for ourselves. This month clear your house and yourself. Burn your favorite cleansing tool in each room, take a salt bath and treat yourself to fresh flowers. When you smudge your space, you release any stagnant and negative energy that may be lingering. When you treat yo self and your home to fresh flowers it acts as a symbol of love to yourself and your home and the energy will be reflected back. 

Also take this time to start planning a vacation, yes we might be literally not able to travel right now, but let your imagination flow. Daydream and really explore virtually things that you might have found new interest in. Start a Pinterest board of places you’d like to go when you can travel again, museums you would like to see, maybe you can even go be a tourist in your own city. When we travel, it feeds out creativity and inspiration, reminding us of all the possibility out there.

Take a risk this month. If there has been something you have been nervous to jump into, or scared to start, do it. Trust that the universe has your back, that whatever you haven’t been starting, it is just your comfort zone keeping you from making the next move, jump and the net will appear.


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Something that you can do to honor and tune into this month’s reading is to create an altar where you get dressed, this could be inside your closet, on your bathroom counter, a vanity and place objects that remind you to be living out your wildest fantasies. If you have some Sodalite, you could place it here as well. Include images of clothes that inspire you or inspire a feeling of what you would want to feel like when you are living your best life. Take a moment every morning as you get ready to ask yourself, is what I’m putting on making me feel empowered? Do I feel like my most authentic self in this? Use questions like those to lean into which garments you should be wearing. If you feel most badass in a certain pair of shoes, then find a way to incorporate them into your outfit, or select other pieces that give you that same magical feeling. 


We are all just phases of the moon, all whole but sometimes only showing bits of ourselves. As we use the StyleScope to dive our wardrobes and as a tool to start showing up as our most authentic selves, one of the biggest things that comes up is that one morning we reach inside our closets and realize some things just don’t fit anymore. Not fit like size, like it just doesn’t align with our personality anymore. 


Don’t fret because I have an exercise for you to do this with a little magic involved, do this during a disseminating moon, a waning moon that is decreasing in size and this makes it the ideal moon to let go of what is no longer serving you, otherwise known as the balsamic moon. Digging deep within our closets on these nights is ideal, because this is the moon phase that ideal for meditating and going deep within ourselves. This month’s Balsamic Moon is from September 13, 9:24 p.m. through September 17, 6:01 a.m.

These clothes represent your comfort zone, and we all know that nothing grows there. Set aside some time for yourself, this is a time to reflect and manifest who you want to be. You don’t want people stopping by in the middle of your spiritual fashion cleanse to have a chat.

Put on music that aligns with the most ultimate version of yourself and start flipping through your closet. Only take out two types of things, articles of clothing that are so beat up, stretched out or tired that they really should be replaced and clothing that you haven’t worn because it just doesn’t feel like you anymore. Weed out the low vibrational clothing. Take a look at your ‘tired’ pile, if it was pieces that need to be replaced and that matches the you that you want to be then start a shopping list. If they are just tired and weird place holders in your wardrobe, toss those suckers out. 

The other pile you can sell or donate, whichever feels best, but don’t put them back in your closet. Take a moment to thank them for showing up and keeping you clothed, but you are ready to move on to higher vibrational pieces. Articles of clothing that make you feel confident, powerful and authentically you. Use this moon cycle to meditate on the life that you want, take note of what you are doing in this life, how you feel about yourself and what you are wearing. As you get dressed or shop, think of those feelings and always reach towards clothing that embodies that. 


Alice Wylde

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