Hi, I’m Tianna,

Writer| Marketing Maven | Brand Consultant

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Understanding of Energy Flow in the Changes of Seasons - By Alex Parlato

Understanding of Energy Flow in the Changes of Seasons - By Alex Parlato


There is a constant cycle in mother nature that we can learn a lot from. Our ancestors saw this on a much more relative scale living off the Earth, and we can see from their traditions and even holidays how this was related to the seasons and cycles of the planet. Due to the fact that we do not eat seasonally, have constant light pollution, and see the same fruits and vegetables all year long, it is harder for us to discern what this natural rhythm feels like.

During the fall, all the energy plants have stored in the leaves and fruit moves downward into the roots. This is the time root vegetables are most prominent, and a time when large pumpkins and vegetables are ready to be harvested. There is an undeniable feeling of coming back to our roots at this time, unwinding from the summer energy of exertion, and being more introverted. We even see from our animal friends, how this is the natural rhythm of the planet. We can understand when we see squirrels fleeing through the grass looking for nuts to store for the winter. 

We can’t relate on such a physical plane anymore, but our ancestors did. They understood that things needed to be jarred and preserved at this time. This meant more time in the house cooking and preparing, which in turn meant more family time and time in the house. Spiritually as well, we can ask ourselves what this time of year is showing us. We are reaping our harvest from the long days under the sun, and now there is more hours that are under the moon. How can we store for the winter? What can we understand and take away from this energy. Lunar energy is much more feminine and introverted. This shows us to take more time for ourselves and our families needs, rather than giving ourselves in other aspects of our lives. 

This is the time of change, but when things change we need to be rooted in our inner beliefs and selves in order to remain grounded. We can see this from the plants. They store most of their energy in the roots at this time, letting the leaves from the past season go, giving more attention to the roots. Not only do leaves leave the plants at this time, but for many seeds are being spread as well. We have to do our own inner workings in order to be able to allow our seeds to be planted.

Physically, this time of year creates more air and wind in our bodies, particularly in our digestion and bones. You may notice you have dryer lips and your joints might be cracking a little bit more than usual when you wake up. These are subtle things that we all experience if we pay attention to it, and it is completely normal. As far as digestion, we might have slower movements and prone to more gas. Again, totally normal and another reason to eat seasonally. 


Other than being more in our spiritual and quiet state of mind, we can live with the seasons by eating more seasonally as well energetically. If we are prone to more air and wind in the autumn, then wouldn’t it make sense to increase the Earth and fire elements from our food?This may sound crazy to you, but what has more of an Earthy quality than something that has been growing in the soil itself. Root vegetables are very important to include in your diet at this time. This all comes back to our root chakra, our security and sense of security. Let the Earth nature you with sweet root foods and herbs. Some specific herbs that are nice to include in your next stew are elecampane root , dandelion root, and burdock root These are all divine herbs for our immune system, and will nourish our gut with prebiotic starches. 


Including more fire in our diet is also indicated, and something we are doing instinctively with our pumpkin spice craze in the fall. Think of these herbs, cinnamon and ginger particularly. These are very pungent and fire producing herbs. They will help circulate the blood and give us more daytime energy. They stimulate our life force, which is indeed helpful when that winter depression kicks in. It is important to remember energetically that these herbs are naturally drying, so to have with moistening rich fats and or other herbs that will help balance these elements. 

As the seasons change it is important to remember that we too change. There are stigmas in our society and norms to always keep on pushing no matter what, but the truth of the matter is that we do need time for ourselves. We need to recharge just like our iPhones do. I hope this is the permission you might have needed to give yourself that time. 

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